Min Qolbi

"Verily in the remembrance of God do hearts find rest." (13:28)

Assalamualaikum wrt,

Actually, the thought of putting up a new blog has crossed my mind for some time already but ntahlah, rase mcm kena bg commitment pulak kalau buat blog sendiri, hehe..
Anyway, tadi baru Nurul ckp da lame rupenye tak update blog ni.

Hmm, mule2 nk cite pasal mukhayyam hari tu. Mukhayyam mmg best! Bile time 1st2 mukhayyam tu, rs mcm blurr sket (ikut je mane org pergi n terima je ape yg org bg) - atau mgkin, ni one of my attributes--- seorg yg blurr pd bile2 mase. But by the end of the mukhayyam, I finally got the message. Pengisian2 yg diberi tu bknlah sekadar utk diterima n didigest (skali dgn nasi n sardin atau telur yg hari2 kitorg mkn tu) tetapi juga utk membuka mata ni yg selame ni agak rabun (literally speaking). And if I could simplify it, I would simplify it in these few phrases; "tariq dakwah, tariq wahidah"; Jalan dakwah, jalan yg satu. It is the only way our Prophet, Muhammad p.b.u.h. and his companions have ever followed. Tidak ada jalan yg lain selain jalan dakwah dlm Islam. And if you're following some other way, then, that is not Islam. "To invite people to iman and amal and uniting their hearts with love and ukhuwwah." Itulah tariq wahidah. Indah kan?

And the realization that dawned upon me was crystal clear. Kalau dulu, murabbiahlah yg bg segala pengisian… Kite yg adek2 ni, dgr and terima je. And obviously, it doesn’t end there. If it did end there, then it would just be like a barrel of water which is stagnant and not moving, compared to the water in the river which is always flowing. Kalau air tu static je, air itu sendiri akan menjadi kotor dan tak mampu untuk membersihkan apa2 tapi lain pulak dgn air sungai yg sentiasa mengalir, bukan sahaja sentiasa bersih tapi juga dapat membersihkan benda2 yang di sekelilingnya. I realize, whether we are reluctant or not, we have to be the ones now yg juga memberi pengisian kpd org lain; that in every usrah/halaqah/circle/whatever you call it there is a certain goal to be reached. Iaitu adalah untuk melahirkan para murabbi/murabbiah/daie/whatever you call them. Giliran kita pula utk menjadi murabbi/murabbiah. InsyaAllah, dgn niat krnNya, walau ilmu di dada ini hanyalah sikit je kalo nk compare dgn ulama' n ahli fuqaha'... dgn keberkatan dr Allah, kita boleh melakukannya. Kita tk mungkin dpt rase betapa manisnya tarbiyah kalau kita sendiri belum mentarbiyah org lain.

Ukhuwah fillah. One of the more significant things I was able to grasp on. Bile nak blk n berpisah dgn kwn2 sume, hmm... rs mcm sdeyla plak. Walaupun kaki still separa bengkak tapi terlupa kejap pasal kaki yg sakit tu waktu pergi jungle trekking, mndi air terjun sume (balik rumah tu terase balik.. eh, kaki ni bengkak lg rupenye). What stronger ties than the ties of those with the same faith and aqidah? Walaupun baru seminggu berpisah, dah rindu dah kat diorg... Entah bile boleh jmpe lg.. (ke Germany plak utk winter??? hehe, bole gak, insyaAllah).

The clock is showing 2.50 am. Hmm, tonight is probably the latest I’ve ever stayed up in weeks.



ni kem hari tu ek?

salam, shaq ke.. igtkan sape td!! (ak da terbiase pggl ko shaq smpai kdg2 terlupe name betul ko pe, maaf2) yup2, tu kem aritu.. =)


syukran, ukhti... =)

wuu die lupe plak..